Your Absence is Darkness, art directed by Vanessa Stauffer; cover art by Richard Harrison; Time Shelter (paperback), art directed by Sarahmay Wilkinson, cover art by Irvine Peacock (flying man), Pierre Joseph Redouté (forget-me-nots), Isy Ochoa (hat); The Physics of Sorrow, art directed by Sarahmay Wilkinson, cover art by Helen Flockhart; Love Novel, art directed by Vanessa Stauffer, cover art by Giovacchino Assereto; All the Years Combine, art directed by Vanessa Stauffer; The Country of Toó, art directed by Vanessa Stauffer, cover photo by Mia Stendal; The Hollow Beast, art directed by Vanessa Stauffer; Time Shelter (hardcover), art directed by Steve Attardo; I’m Your Huckleberry, art directed by Jackie Seow, cover photo by Andrew MacPherson; Space Forces, art directed by No Ideas (Phil Dibello, Devin Washburn); Washington’s End, art directed by Jaya Miceli, cover art by John Faed; White Too Long, art directed by Alison Forner; Mastering Microdosing, art directed by Rachael Brandenburg; Nashville Bachelorettes, art directed by Mike Leavitt and Ben Oddo; From Chaos to Calm, art directed by Scott Johansson; King of Dreams, art directed by Sean Doyle; From Lawyer to Warrior, art directed by Rachael Brandenburg; Lenny from Vinci, art directed by Hugh Gallagher, cover art by TVBoy; Weapon of the Strong, illustration by Jason Arias, co-designed with Oliver Munday; The Math of Life and Death, art directed by Jaya Miceli; Turning Feral, art directed by Rachael Brandenburg.